Now a lot of you would wonder how taking a personal retreat could affect your financial planning and how it could be included in my financial goal setting steps when it’s just going somewhere and thinking.
But here’s the catch - it has everything to do about your financial planning and financial freedom.
You see when I began to seek financial planning guidance I read a lot of books, attended seminars, join online forums, listened to audio teachings from world renowned speakers and all talks about taking a personal retreat to gain financial freedom.
I actually never understood what they all meant until I applied what they taught and took the personal retreat myself.
To make it more specific, I did it four years ago and now I really have appreciated its value.
The importance of this retreat is that it will open your mind and your heart. It will help you answer the most important question you’ll ever ask yourself – “what is it that I want from this thing called life?” Knowing what you want in life definitely makes you more focused and it will guide you in which things you need to prioritize.
Zig Ziglar calls this as having the “end-in-mind”.
Imagine if you join a race and during the start of that race the organizer tells all the contestants that in order to win, you must get to the mango tree and apparently you are all in a mango farm filled with hundreds of mango trees.
How long do you think that race will take?
Now picture a different scenario. What if at that same race the organizer specified the mechanics of the race? For example: In order to win this race, you must find the largest mango tree, it has 21 branches and that mango tree is marked with five red ribbons scattered on some of its branches.
Now let me ask you a question, which of the two races will finish faster?
Obviously, it is the second race. Why? Because the mechanics were clear and it had the specifics of how you could achieve your goal. All of the contestants had a clear vision of what they should be looking for and were able to picture out the needed mango tree for them to win.
This is also how it is in our financial life. Honestly, I think this is the main core of the financial planning guide that I will continuously share with you.
On my next post, I will share with you my personal "financial retreat" set-up and steps. It will be a sort of a sequel to financial planning guide - setting your financial goal steps.

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