Hi everyone, welcome to my financial improvement blog.
To be honest with you, this is actually my personal “Financial blue print”. My life’s financial journey and all the many lessons, the tears, and especially the joy that I have experience in my financial life is written in this site.
A background on how my financial life was.
When I was young, my family has faced many financial rollercoaster. As a child, I would often hear my mother telling me “let’s go to your grandpa’s house, we will ask financial help from him for your school”. As a child I never really understand this, not until I reached my teens that I was fully acquainted with the many needs for money. Although within that period (my childhood years to my teens), my father was able to set-up a furniture export business that brings sudden wealth and thus changed our lives. We are able to fix our house, had foams as bed, had two automobiles, we dined in restaurants, had the toys I wanted, and etc. In short, we were living the life of the wealthy.
A double edge sword.
However with this money, my father also changed. He became arrogant. Acquired vices like: drinking, smoking, going out with his “friends” till dawn even to the point of not going home.
He misused his money, and develop a habit of buying many liabilities like expensive golf clubs, expensive appliances, personal vacations with his friends (my father paying for the whole trip), and the like.
Double crossed by the Japanese Buyers.
The buyers that my father supposedly had as mergers (for expansion) for our Rattan Based furniture, has suddenly created their own plant. They pirated the key employees that my father had. Also got the American buyers and contacts my father’s business had. They took the entire business concept and price their furniture at a lower cost than my father offered.
Back to the financial crisis.
We were back to the financial mess we were in.
Just before reaching my senior year in high school, we again ended in a financial crisis. My father lost our business (three of our relatives who were investors got really angry at him).
We had instances that we could not even pay for our electric bills. I can even remember the time when my uncle took our appliances from the house so it could somehow compensate for the money he lost from investing in the business my father started.
It is only now that I realized that it was probably the worst days my father had in his life. During that time he was always irritable, often angry, always negative and I often heard him fighting with my mother (my mother is a public school teacher by the way). In that period, one false move from us (his kids) would directly result to “a severe lesson from his belt”.
Thankfully he met our Lord and Savoir Jesus Christ.
He slowly changed. He became loving again. He opened his heart to us. He saw how good we are. He loved and served my mother again. He became a father again.
He became the best father I can ask for and our relationship has truly grown.
Fast forward to my life now.
I am now married to a beautiful woman. I am currently employed in one of the best companies in the
With the kind of childhood I had, I was allowed to see the “right path”. I told myself that I would not follow the financial direction that my father had.
I prayed everyday (until now) that God bless me with the strength that I will grow financially aware and “financially healthy”.
Hence, through my hunger for financial freedom I seek books from authors like Bo Sanchez, Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Allen, Victor Van Hansen, Larry Gamboa, Warren Buffet, Seth Godin and many others.
Today, I am in a positive net worth and currently doing well. I have assembled financial building blocks that have allowed me to ensure my future. I have learned how to invest in mutual funds, stocks, business, when to use insurance, what insurance to buy and to regularly check my financial health.
I want to help you. I want to teach you the lessons that I learned from reading books and applying them in my financial life.
My dream is to reach out to at least 10,000 Pinoys who will continuously learn and interact with me on personal financial lessons as well.

this is an inspiring story. keep sharing! :)